Can we always be on-campus? Exploring Challenges in On-Campus and Distance Research Environments Among Postgraduate Researchers

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I recently presented this research at the RIDE2024 conference at the University of London in March. Since this is ongoing research, I have included the main findings and recommendations thus far with a reference list.
Early findings reveal diverse experiences among PGRs. Notably, on-campus presence may not be essential for all, particularly those with additional responsibilities, who struggle to balance a PhD with personal life. The survey highlighted post-pandemic effects on DL students, who feel isolated compared to their on-campus peers, despite the flexibility DL offers.

Recommendations: The findings suggest a preference for flexible study modes that consider individual circumstances. While on-campus engagement fosters community and access to resources, especially early on, autonomy is crucial for those with additional responsibilities. A robust hybrid model, adaptable over time, could meet individual PGR needs. Academic institutions should recognise the diversity of PGR experiences and preferences, with a hybrid approach offering an optimal solution by balancing flexibility, community, and resource access.

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Research Showcase Poster 2024

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